Veckans memer feat. Elon Musk
2025-01-25 12:00
ISRAEL. En israelisk bosättare fastnade i taggtråd när han klättrade upp på taket på ett hus till en palestinier för att stjäla en palestinsk flagga.
Shadi Sidr, palestiniern som drabbades av tilltaget, filmade den oväntade gästen medan denne, andfådd av sin klättring och med kläderna fast i taggtråden vilade fötterna på stegen. Nere på marken fanns andra judar som gjorde obscena gester åt Sidr när han filmade.
Jerusalem Post har skrivit om händelsen och översatt konversationen mellan bosättaren och palestiniern till engelska. Bosättaren säger att han äger palestinierns hus eftersom hela landet enligt honom tillhör judarna:
“Why are you on my roof?” asked Sidr in broken Hebrew.
The settler, who had a Russian accent, also spoke in broken Hebrew as he answered Sidr.
“I’ve come to talk with you,” the settler said. As he spoke, he hung onto the building’s stone ledge, his shirt stuck in the barbed wire and his feet still on the ladder.
His antics attracted the attention of Hebron’s Jewish community, which gathered below to watch the spectacle.
The settler, undeterred by his precarious position, asked Sidr to remove the two Palestinian flags.
Sidr refused and asked the settler how he would feel if Sidr attempted to climb onto his roof to remove an Israeli flag.
“Would that be good?” asked Sidr.
“But this roof is my roof.
This is all mine, this is my country and my land,” said the settler.
“No. This is my house.
Why are you here?” asked Sidr.
“You just think it’s yours.
But this whole country is the Land of Israel,” said the settler.
“Hebron is not in Israel.
This is Palestine. I am not in Tel Aviv,” said Sidr.
“What is Palestine? It is only what the Romans called it. This is the Land of Israel. This is my country.
And everything that is here is mine,” said the settler.
Settler seeking to remove Palestinian flag in Hebron gets tangled in barbed wire