Skolor och myndigheter kan tvingas bli angivare
2024-10-13 20:00
UKRAINA. Vid en närmare blick ser det ut som att att judar har infiltrerat den ukrainska revolutionen. Har du tips på fler judiska kopplingar? Posta en kommentar så uppdateras artikeln.
Två av tre oppositionsledare har judiskt påbrå
Både Vitali Klitschko och Arseniy Yatsenyuk sägs ha judiskt påbrå. Saxat ur tidningen Chabad-Lubavitch, Lechaim, December 2003, gällande Vitali Klitschko:
[During the war] Ukrainian fascists rose up, and [Klitschko’s grandfather] risked his life and those of his family hiding the young Jewess Tamara Etinzon in their cellar, after her family was killed by the Nazis. After the war they married and went into exile. Their son Vladimir became an officer for Stalin, and his sons were born in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, grew up in Kiev, and now live in Germany.
Many are convinced that the two-meter giants-athletes brothers Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko will be world champions more than once.
Do we need any more evidence of a Jewish presence in boxing?
På finns fler bilder på Vitali Klitschko då han figurerar i judiska sammanhang.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk pekas också ut som jude. Saxat från The International Relations and Security Network, augusti 2009:
Problems ahead
Yatsenyuk has two major issues that will come to a head before the elections. Firstly he is Jewish, which according to political analyst Taras Kuzio, could pose a major problem. There has been a recent, though rather quiet, campaign launched against Tymoshenko by the extreme right, which has called her the ”Jew with the braid.”
Tillresta israeliska judar
Inom ukrainsk media har det talats om att israeler åkt till landet för att delta i bataljerna på Maidan, uppgifter som verkar stämma — under dagen släpptes en översättning av en intervju med en ”judisk befälhavare”. Intervjun publicerades från början på den ukrainsk-judiska nyhetstjänsten The Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities (VAAD) of Ukraine och översättningen finns HÄR.
Uppgifter om israelerna har florerat några dagar
Den ”judiska befälhavaren” påstås bland annat ha sagt:
There was one incident between Svoboda and Spilna Sprava (we call them “The SS Troops”), but that was exception to the rule.
What do you mean by the SS Troops? Is this only the acronym?
No more than that. Not a single faction carries Natzi symbols. Many of my Jewish friends are convinced that when the revolution wins, everything will normalize. The extremists will get pushed back by the democrats. Are these ideas oversimplified? In reality, being a well organized and disciplined minority, the radicals dominate the soft liberals.
Well-organized extremists are a myth. I supervise people who are organized much better than the radicals. We react much faster and more efficiently. Under my direct supervision, I have thirty people but I can mobilize up to three hundred. Neither OUN [Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, eds.], nor Pravyi Sector can achieve such impressive results.
Ukrainsk media har även gjort gällande att Mossad är involverade i upploppen, samt att en rik jude från Israel finansierar oroligheterna.
A former Israeli army officer is playing a leading role in the anti-government protests in Ukraine, PressTV has reported.
According to reports by PressTV, which was set up by the Iranian regime, the unnamed Israeli was commanding a group of 20 Ukrainian militants while four other Israelis, who had also previously served in the army, were said to have taken part in opposition rallies in Ukraine’s capital of Kiev.
They were born in Ukraine but migrated to Israel and joined its armed forces before returning to the Europea for the demonstrations, the report continued.
Ukrainian media claimed that an Israeli tycoon provided financial support to the opposition in Ukraine and added that Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency was one of the instigators of the unrest in the country.
Despite calls by Jewish leaders to remain neutral, young Jews have been on the frontline of protests against Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich, the Jerusalem Post wrote in December.
Alexandra Oleynikova, a young Jewish activist involved in organising Limmud conferences, told the Post that while some Jews stayed away out of fear, other young Ukrainian Jews who work for international organisations such as JDC, Hillel and Limmud, were ”really active” in offering support as well as ”organising the barricades”.
According to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA): ”A number of young Jews are involved in the protests, which have drawn together a diverse coalition of liberal youth and opposition party leaders, including members of the ultranationalist Svoboda (Freedom) party, whose leader, Oleh Tyahnybok, has freely trafficked anti-Semitic stereotypes.”
Övriga judar
Även den amerikanska toppdiplomaten Victoria Nuland är judinna. Hon uppmärksammades nyligen då ett avlyssnat telefonsamtal publicerades, i vilket hon sa att ”the only problem will be Tyahnybok and his guys”, samtidigt som hon förespråkade att juden Arseniy Yatsenyuk skulle lyftas fram som ledare för oppositionen.
Den judiska nyhetskanalen Jewish News 1 sände nyligen ett inslag från Kiev i vilket en påstådd medlem ur ”Högra Sektorn” oproblematiskt intervjuades av den judiska reportern.
Jewish News 1 intervjuar en Nationell revolutionär. Se hela inslaget HÄR.