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Dagens datum 25 januari: SAAB 340, en fullträff på den civila marknaden med ett svårslaget rekord i tillförlitlighet och bäst säljande 30-sätes-flygplan i världen genom tiderna.
I mean when the war was over they said it was 12 million. Then it was six. Now it’s four. I mean it’s that kind of numbers game.
Mel Gibson
Det finns bara ett gott, kunskap, och ett ont, okunnighet.
Pressen uppvärderar mediokra element och män som kan korrumperas, så att främlingen kan tillfredsställa sina intressen, och nedvärderar de moraliska människor som inte sjunker till att tjäna rumänfientlighetens intressen.
Corneliu Codreanu
To those who think that all this sounds like science fiction, we point out that yesterday’s science fiction is today’s fact. The Industrial Revolution has radically altered man’s environment and way of life, and it is only to be expected that as technology is increasingly applied to the human body and mind, man himself will be altered as radically as his environment and way of life have been.
Theodore Kaczynski
Suprahumanism does not reproach Christianity for defending the weak who are unjustly oppressed. It reproaches Christianity for exalting weakness and viewing it as a sign of election and title of glory. It reproaches Christianity for not helping the weak to become strong. It is not a matter of opposing the strong against the weak, but rather of opposing a system that values strength against a system that values weakness
Daniel S. Forrest
Problemet med citat från nätet är svårigheten att bekräfta deras äkthet.
If they are Black, it’s a gang, if they are Italians, a mob, but if they are Jewish, it is a coincidence, and you should never speak about it!
Dave Chappelle
The big problem is that people don’t believe a revolution is possible, and it is not possible precisely because they do not believe it is possible.
Theodore Kaczynski
Till ariskt blod, det renaste och äldsta, Till svensk jag vigdes av en vänlig norna.
Viktor Rydberg
The techno-industrial system is exceptionally tough due to its so-called ”democratic” structure and its resulting flexibility. Because dictatorial systems tend to be rigid, social tensions and resistance can be built up in them to the point where they damage and weaken the system and may lead to revolution. But in a ”democratic” system, when social tension and resistance build up dangerously the system backs off enough, it compromises enough, to bring the tensions down to a safe level.
Theodore Kaczynski
That’s not an anti-semitic statement. The idea that Jewish people are not into money, is ridiculous. It’s like saying Italians aren’t into pizza, it’s fucking stupid.
Joe Rogan
Den fullbordade penetreringen är evigt ett nederlag för kvinnan och evigt en seger för mannen, sedan kan man stapla teorier till himlen.
Horace Engdahl
En sann soldat kämpar inte för att han hatar vad som står framför honom, utan för att han älskar vad som finns bakom honom.
G.K. Chesterton
Vad vore jag då för en värdelös människa om jag istället tigit, och trots att jag känner till detta, suttit kvar i fåtöljen och väntat på att sanningen någon gång skulle komma ut i ljuset?
Horst Mahler
Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived.
John F Kennedy
Part of the intimacy with nature that you acquire, is the sharpening of your senses. Not that your hearing or eyesight become more acute, but you notice things more. In city life you tend to be turned inward, in a way. Your environment is crowded with irrelevant sights and sounds, and you get conditioned to block most of them out of your consciousness. In the woods you get so that your awareness is turned outward, toward your environment, hence you are much more conscious of what goes on around you. For example, you’ll notice inconspicuous things on the ground, such as edible plants or animal tracks. If a human being has passed through and has left even just a small part of a footprint, you’ll probably notice it. […] If you hear a sound that you can’t identify, it immediately catches your attention, even if it’s so faint that it’s barely audible. To me this alertness, or openness of one’s senses, is one of the greatest luxuries of living close to nature. You can’t understand this unless you’ve experienced it yourself.
Ted Kaczynski
Vill man inte ha stryk måste man träna mer.
Marcus Hansson
Att vara arisk innebär att vara skapande; häri ligger sambandet mellan denna ras och gudomlighet och övertygelsen om att vara söner – inte tjänare – av Gud.
Houston Stewart Chamberlain
Tillväxt för tillväxtens skull är cancercellens ideologi.
Edward Abbey
An idea is like a virus. Resilient. Highly contagious. And even the smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you.
Torsdagen 17/3 gav sig Kampgrupp 104 ut på flera platser; det delades ut 400 flygblad i Askersund och affischer sattes upp.
300 flygblad delades ut i Mjölby och ca 100 klistermärken sattes upp. I Arboga sattes det upp ett flertal affischer, och det sattes upp klistermärken i Finspångs kommun och i Ödeshögs kommun.
Som om inte detta var nog så hölls rekryteringsmöte i Motala. Kampen fortsätter!