MUSIK Denna vecka presenterar Nordfront en rebellisk countrylåt från den populära tv-spelsserien Far Cry.

Denna veckas låt, Keep Your Rifle By Your Side, kommer från spelserien Far Crys femte spel. Detta utspelar sig i en fiktiv version av den amerikanska delstaten Montana där en ”kristen sekt” har tagit kontrollen över ett område av delstaten, Hope County.

Åsikterna går isär om vad meningen med låten är. Vissa menar att låten är ett försök att förlöjliga vapenägande amerikaner medan andra menar att Ubisoft, studion bakom spelet, vill förmedla en sympatisk bild av ”sektmedlemmarna” i spelet.

Oavsett vad avsikterna bakom är så har låten blivit väldigt populär bland kristna, konservativa och nationalister världen över. Textraden ”They’ll come day and they’ll come night, They’ll have our children in their sights” har för vissa fört tankarna till Drag Queen Story hour och homolobbyns krav på att ha fri tillgång till barn. Den hyllades så till den milda grad i Youtubes kommentarsfält att Ubisoft valde att helt stänga av kommentarerna, något man hittills inte har gjort för någon annan låt från spelets soundtrack.

They'll look high and they'll look low
They'll look everywhere we go
But when the sinners find us, we won't hide
They'll come loud and they'll come fast
We shoot first and we can last
Keep your rifle by your side

Singin', "Oh Lord, this earth was made for us"
Singin', "Oh Lord, this sinful life just ain't enough"
So we'll take a stand
'Cause we must protect our land
Keep your rifle by your side

They'll come day and they'll come night
They'll have our children in their sights
But if they don't have faith, their eyes are blind
They can scream and they can shout
But they can never smoke us out
Keep your rifle by your side

Singin', "Oh Lord, this earth was made for us"
Singin', "Oh Lord, this sinful life just ain't enough"
When we hear the voice
We know we have no other choice
Keep your rifle by your side

They'll have bombs and they'll have tanks
'Cause they've got money in their banks
But we won't fall as long as we can fight
They'll go on and preach their hate
But they won't get past the gate
Keep your rifle by your side

Singin', "Oh Lord, this earth was made for us"
Singin', "Oh Lord, this sinful life just ain't enough"
And when I see your face
I know I must protect my place
I'll keep my rifle by my side
I'll keep my rifle by my side
Oh Lord

Keep your rifle by your side