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2025-02-10 19:00
Dagens datum 11 februari: Fredskämpe, politisk fånge, människorättsaktivist – känns orden igen? Om inte annat kanske du hör orden idag i samband med namnet Nelson Mandela.
Better men have been through worse.
Rob Rundo
If they are Black, it’s a gang, if they are Italians, a mob, but if they are Jewish, it is a coincidence, and you should never speak about it!
Dave Chappelle
There are no truces in cultural warfare. The law of cultural life is either occupy your own cultural territory or have it occupied by alien forces.
E. Michael Jones
Det är skam att sitta som vi har gjort och tempel åt andra hälva, men kasta stenar på egen port och tala ont om oss själva. Vi tröttnat att blöda för egen dolk, att hjärtat från huvudet skilja; vi vilja bliva ett enda folk, och vi äro och bli det vi vilja.
Verner von Heidenstam
This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances, complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it what I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.
George Bernard Shaw
That’s not an anti-semitic statement. The idea that Jewish people are not into money, is ridiculous. It’s like saying Italians aren’t into pizza, it’s fucking stupid.
Joe Rogan
Det hårdaste och mest våldsamma straffet borde drabba förrädarna först, sedan fienden. Om jag bara hade en enda kula och ställdes inför både en fiende och en förrädare, skulle förrädaren få den.
Corneliu Codreanu
You are not your job. You’re not how much money you have in the bank. You’re not the car you drive. You’re not the contents of your wallet. You’re not your fucking khakis.
Tyler Durden
Kryptering fungerar.
Edward Snowden
Vad ska man göra när ett fartyg med hundratals passagerare plötsligt kapsejsar, men det bara finns en livbåt? När livbåten är full kommer de som hatar livet att försöka fylla den med fler, och sänka alla. De som älskar och respekterar livet kommer att ta en yxa och hugga av de extra händer som klamrar sig fast vid relingen.
Pentti Linkola
Man cannot remake himself without suffering. For he is both the marble and the sculptor.
Alexis Carrel
Unbridled altruism is a huge vice of mine. I simply have to do good. I am a sensible dwarf, however, and know that I’m unable to do everyone good. Were I to attempt to be good to everyone, to the entire world and to all the creatures living in it, it would be a drop of fresh water in the salt sea. In other words, a wasted effort. Thus, I decided to do specific good; good which would not go to waste. I’m good to myself and my immediate circle.
Zoltan Chivay, Baptism of Fire
A mistake that most people make is to assume that the more followers you can recruit, the better. That’s true if you are trying to win an election. A vote is a vote regardless of whether the voter is deeply committed or just barely interested enough to get to the polls. But when you’re building a revolutionary movement, the number of people you have is far less important than the quality of your people and the depth of their commitment. Too many lukewarm or otherwise unsuitable people will ruin the movement.
Theodore Kaczynski
Det spelar ingen roll hur paranoid eller konspiratoriskt sinnad du är; det som regeringen faktiskt gör är betydligt värre än vad du kan föreställa dig.
William Blum
To those who think that all this sounds like science fiction, we point out that yesterday’s science fiction is today’s fact. The Industrial Revolution has radically altered man’s environment and way of life, and it is only to be expected that as technology is increasingly applied to the human body and mind, man himself will be altered as radically as his environment and way of life have been.
Theodore Kaczynski
The more intimate you become with nature, the more you appreciate its beauty. It’s a beauty that consists not only in sights and sounds but in an appreciation of… the whole thing. I don’t know how to express it. What is significant is that when you live in the woods, rather than just visiting them, the beauty becomes part of your life rather than something you just look at from the outside.
Ted Kaczynski
Alla vill att yxan skall gå men ingen vill hålla i skaftet.
Gustav Vasa
Var radikal, var principfast, var absolut, var det som borgerligheten kallar för en extremist: Offra dig själv utan betänksamhet och utan beräkning, acceptera inte det de kallar ”livets realiteter” och agera på ett sådant sätt att du aldrig blir accepterad av en sådan sorts ”liv”, överge aldrig kampens princip.
Julius Evola
I mean when the war was over they said it was 12 million. Then it was six. Now it’s four. I mean it’s that kind of numbers game.
Mel Gibson
Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy, then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction? It is already happening to some extent in our own society… Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed, modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect, antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual’s internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable.
Theodore Kaczynski
Tidigt på morgonen den 31 januari sattes stop globalism-affischer upp i Smålandsstenar, även flertalet lyktstolpar reserverades.
Affischer sattes upp i Smålandsstenar på tisdagsmorgonen.
Fler lyktstolpar i Smålandsstenar i Gislaveds kommun är sedan den 19 december reserverade för folkförrädare.
MÅNGKULTUREN. Två syrier dömdes i fredags för gruppvåldtäkten i början av april i det lilla samhället Smålandsstenar.
MÅNGKULTUREN. Två syrier häktades misstänkta för gruppvåldtäkten i början av april i det lilla samhället Smålandsstenar.