MUSIK Denna vecka presenterar Nordfront låten ”The Yule Fiddler” av Patty Gurdy som framför låten tillsammans med Fiddler’s Green.

Veckans låt

Klockan 20:00 varje fredag uppmärksammar Nordfront en låt för att sprida sund och intressant kultur till våra läsare. Har du förslag på musik du tror skulle passa som Veckans låt? Kontakta då kulturredaktören Daniel

Patty Gurdy, en tysk kvinna som egentligen heter Patricia Büchler, är låtskrivare, sångerska och musiker på folkinstrumentet vevlira, som på engelska kallas hurdy gurdy; därav hennes artistnamn.

Vevliran är ett europeiskt instrument som var som mest spelat under medeltiden. Med tiden sjönk instrumentets status, och vid 1700-talets början ansågs den vara ett typiskt tiggarinstrument.

Instrumentet ser ut som en nyckelharpa, men istället för att använda en stråke använder vevliran ett hartsat hjul som man snurrar på med hjälp av en vev.

Büchler började spela vevlira 2014. Hon lärde sig alla grunderna i hur man spelar instrumentet på två veckor. Men hon är också bra på att spela piano, för det var hennes instrument i över tio år innan hon fann vevliran.

Själv kallar Büchler sin musik ”mörk folkpop”, men veckans låt är en munter låt med jultema. Låten heter ”The Yule Fiddler” och framförs av Patty Gurdy tillsammans med Fiddler’s Green, ett tyskt band som spelar irländsk folkmusik.


On every winter's evening
He's playing for the queen and king
When yuletide's here, the people cheer
Come out and tune up your strings

You hear the joyful bells, they ring
They're waiting to hear the fiddle sing
Our maestro's hiding from the stage
He won't play a single thing

'Cause one last winter's evening
His sweetheart left our fiddler lad
His heart froze cold and even now
No one can warm it up

And now the christmas time is coming 'round today
He's wondering: Why oh why doesn't it come my way?
Oh where's my soulmate waiting for my snowy heart?
If so make sure no one can keep us apart

Now all you people, hush and listen
We're gonna find the one that's missin'
Our fiddler boy he's oh so blue
It hurts to see him low

Come everyone and saddle your horse
We'll look for Eilidh Goldenrose
The miller took her as his wife
She was not to refuse

And now the christmas time is coming 'round today
He's wondering: Why oh why doesn't it come my way?
Oh where's my soulmate waiting for my snowy heart?
If so make sure no one can keep us apart

They found poor Eilidh hiding
'Cause she ran away from the miller
Now the fiddler and his Goldenrose
Are finally together

And now at last he starts to bow
All come to hear the fiddler's sound
And every lad he grabs a gal
And spins her round and round

And now the christmas time is coming 'round today
He's finally coming out so we can hear him play
He has his soulmate and he has a warmed up heart
Now let's make sure no one can keep them apart

And now the christmas time is coming 'round today
He's finally coming out so we can hear him play
He has his soulmate and he has a warmed up heart
Now let's make sure no one can keep them apart

Now there's so much in his heart
That a true artist will show
And still when the party's over
His soul is chanting on