MEDIA. En konservativ kanadensisk skribent har sågat Sveriges misslyckade invandringspolitik i en av Kanadas största tidningar.

The Globe and Mail, en av Kanadas största dagstidningar som vanligtvis brukar vara politiskt korrekt, publicerade för några dagar sedan en längre artikel av Margaret Wente om svensk invandringspolitik.

I artikeln konstateras att experimentet med hög invandring och välfärdssamhälle inte verkar fungera särskilt bra. Artikelförfattaren har bland annat intervjuat Tino Sanandaji som presenterar en del intressant statistik:

“There has been a lack of integration among non-European refugees,” [Sanandaji] told me. Forty-eight per cent of immigrants of working age don’t work, he said. Even after 15 years in Sweden, their employment rates reach only about 60 per cent. Sweden has the biggest employment gap in Europe between natives and non-natives.

In Sweden, where equality is revered, inequality is now entrenched. Forty-two per cent of the long-term unemployed are immigrants, Mr. Sanandaji said. Fifty-eight per cent of welfare payments go to immigrants. Forty-five per cent of children with low test scores are immigrants. Immigrants on average earn less than 40 per cent of Swedes. The majority of people charged with murder, rape and robbery are either first- or second-generation immigrants. “Since the 1980s, Sweden has had the largest increase in inequality of any country in the OECD,” Mr. Sanandaji said.

Wentes slutsats är att Sverige är ett avskräckande exempel som visar att Europa inte kan integrera de miljontals människor som nu klassas som flyktingar:

Sweden is a cautionary tale for anyone who believes that Europe is capable of assimilating the hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants who are besieging the continent, or the millions more who are desperately poised to follow in their wake. The argument that these people are vital to boost the economy – that they will magically create economic growth and bail the Europeans out of their demographic decline – is a fantasy.

It’s really very simple, Mr. Sanandaji explained. You can’t combine open borders with a welfare state. “If you’re offering generous welfare benefits to every citizen, and anyone can come and use these benefits, then a very large number of people will try to do that. And it’s just mathematically impossible for a small country like Sweden to fund those benefits.”

Sweden’s ugly immigration problem

  • Publicerad:
    2015-09-17 00:40