UKRAINA. Nya uppgifter gör gällande att Odessa-massakern var resultatet av en noga planlagt polisoperation att upplösa de pro-ryska demonstranternas högkvarter, utfört under överinseende av Andriy Parubiy och beordrat av den judiske mångmiljardären, kuppmakaren och guvernören Igor Kolomoisky.

Odessamassakern kan ha varit resultatet av en noga planlagd polisoperation.

Enligt undersökande journalister på den ryska tv-kanalen Channel One Russia var massmordet på omkring 100 demonstranter i Odessa resultatet av en noga planlagd polisoperation som innefattade cirka 30 beväpnade polisprovokatörer utklädda som pro-ryska demonstranter, fejkade nyhetsinslag, falska ryska pass hämtade från Internet, Högersektor-medlemmar inne i fackföreningsbyggnaden som sköt och strypte folk och sedan försökte bränna bevisen, och en mystisk vit-grön rök som kvävde de som fångats inne i huset till döds på sekunder. Sedan sopades allt under mattan genom att beskylla de mördade för att ha startat branden själva och låta internationella supportrar som Sveriges utrikesminister Carl Bildt sprida vilseledande lögner om det inträffade.

De beväpnade polisprovokatörerna hade enligt videobilder röda armbindlar, och samarbetade och skyddades av poliser som även de hade röda armbindlar. Genom att kasta sten och skjuta mot de tusentals pro-ukrainska fotbollshuliganer som rest till Odessa från bland annat Charkiv lockades dessa att förfölja polisprovokatörerna till de pro-ryska demonstranternas lägerplats, vilken myndigheterna hade som mål att attackera och upplösa.

Väl på plats skingrade sig polisprovokatörerna och lät de pro-ryska demonstranterna motta det hat som polisprovokatörernas beteende frammanat hos fotbollshuliganerna. Sedan gick medlemmar ur Högersektorn som samarbetar med de styrande oligarkerna in i de pro-ryska demonstranternas högkvarter och mördade så många av dem som de kom åt.

— Denna händelse var inte förberedd på någon intern nivå, det var en välplanerad och koordinerad aktion i vilken vissa myndighetspersoner har deltagit i, säger överåklagare Oleh Makhnitsky.

Maskerad pro-unity aktivist inne i det pro-ryska demonstranternas högkvarter.

Maskerad pro-unity aktivist inne i det pro-ryska demonstranternas högkvarter.

Uppgifterna om att det var fråga om en false flag-attack stöds av personal från den ukrainska säkerhetstjänsten som gått över på utbrytarrepublikernas sida och nu kallar sig Joint Cyber-Militia of the Donetsk, Lugansk and Kharkov Regions. Dessa har precis publicerat avlyssnade röstsamtal som enligt dem bevisar att den judiske mångmiljardären Igor Kolomoisky, som är guvernör i Dnipropetrovsk dit Högersektoren har flyttat sitt högkvarter, beordrade polisoperationen. Operationen skall ha dirigerats av ledaren för den ukrainska kuppregeringens inrikessäkerhet Andriy Parubiy tillsammans med Odessas judiske guvernör Vladimir Nemirovsky, och till stor del utförts av Högersektormedlemmar som polisen släppte in i byggnaden.

— Det var han [Kolomoisky] som hyrde in gubbarna i Odessa [massakern]. Situationen blev okontrollerbar. Deras uppdrag var att misshandla dem [de pro-ryska demonstranterna] så att de togs till sjukhus och deras läger förstördes. […] Kolomisky är fortfarande i Odessa och resultatet av hans handlingar är att 16 av de som överlevde blodbadet i fackföreningshuset dödades under de tre dagarna efter, säger rösterna i det avlyssnade telefonsamtalet.

Nedan följer en utskrift på engelska av telefonsamtalet mellan chefen för tullmyndigheten Oleg Noginsky och Israels konsul Ian Borisovich Epstein. Inspelningen är gjord av CyberMilitia of Donetsk, Lugansk and Kharkov regions 10 maj 2014 kl 23:18. Vissa delar har censurerats. I samtalet förs misstanken fram att juden Kolomoisky planerar skapa en av honom ledd ”nazi-stat” i Ukraina.

Ian: Hallo.
Noginski: Hallo. Ian Borisovich, good evening. I beg your pardon. Happy holiday. Did I wake you up?
Ian: Oh, no. It’s not too late. Happy holiday you too. Wish you peace, good health and well-being…
Noginski: Ian Borisovich, I’m calling because of a serious problem, it makes me really concerned.
Ian: What happened?
Noginski: Well, the 9th of May in Mariupol, did you see what happened there? Certain Shelemchak was killed there.
Ian: Who was it?
Noginski: A Jew from Dnipropetrovsk. At least if we can trust Kolomoysky. But what is even worse, Mr. Kolomoysky called Tsarov and told him that broadly speaking that day in all synagogues of Ukraine it was announced to all right Jews that there will be a reward for the head of Tsarov’s and Russian separatists. When I heard the word ’synagogue’…
Ian: You don’t say so. That can’t be. I just know that… Today I went to a synagogue. We were reading prayers. Everything was, so to say…
Noginski: Ian Borisovich, I’m not saying that, surely, it didn’t happen in the synagogues… But when he is speaking about it… I don’t know whether he was recorded or not. In case his words appear in the media, can you imagine what happens in that case?
Ian: Did Kolomoyskyi say it was Tsarov exactly?
Noginski: Yes. A million ($) for his head. He also said that the next day his family would be hanging. His relatives. Listen, I just repeat his words… You know, Oleg, he is not like anybody else, he never lies. And he sent it to me late in the evening, he was deeply shocked. Another man who was by his side at that moment told me the same.
Ian: Terrible. No, I just can’t understand how a Jew… Jews in general, so to say, must not allow themselves anything of the kind… Gave him a personal call?
Noginski: Yes, he likes it. He called Markov (Ukrainian MP (deputy) Igor Markov) recently, told him how he would get burned in case he comes to Odessa. That’s kind of his amusement. I’m not sure but I feel like he went crazy, seriously. By the way, that’s a totally proved out fact that he paid those guys in Odessa. Totally. And it was done to seat Palytsia as governor. Even at the ”Fatherland” (Party of Tymoshenko) headquarters they prove it out… The situation went out of hand. Their task was to beat them up, give them the works so that they all get to the hospital, and the camp was to be totally destroyed.
Ian: Well, you know, there were the guys of Avakov (Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine). They could have done it all.
Noginski: Well, there was an agreement. In case… it all still keeps voiced. There was an agreement. He came up and said, ’Why are you fiddling around that Odessa’? There was that ’Kulikovo Field’ all the time, non-stop. ’You better give Odessa to me and it will be just like in Dnipropetrovsk.’ So to say, no one will dare to show up. They said, ’OK’.
Ian: He used to come to Odessa. He has already been in Odessa.
Noginski: He is still there. And has been busy during the recent three days with what makes 16 people dead who had been arrested and stayed alive after the ’Trade Unions House’. Two people were put a knife near the building. And so forth.
Ian: Well, Oleg, I just, you know, can’t believe that Benya (Kolomoysky nickname) is able to do that.
Noginski: You know, many people here say they feel he went kind of crazy. These days, you know, Korban is actively trying to take Tsarov’s property. Well, there’s nothing I can add.
Ian: I just don’t know him, that’s why I cannot say anything. I don’t know him.
Noginski: Well, he is a good friend of Benya… And Filatov (first assistant of Kolomoysky) already gives a reward for ”moskals” (Russians) and already pays. I just… Ian Borisovich, the thing it that Benya’s affairs are up to him. He can do whatever he likes. In case he imagines himself second Hitler… Well, I think there will be a second Nazi Germany on the territory of a small piece of Ukraine. Benya will be a multibillionaire and the owner of this territory. But what Jews in the rest of the world will do… I just think it is necessary to publicly back off from this process right away.
Ian: What do you mean? What process?
Noginski: From Kolomoysky. From Benya.
Ian: Well, how?
Noginski: Just report that in this case the world Jewish community, firstly, has nothing to do with personal position of Mr. Kolomoysky, secondly, a) don’t back up neither Odessa, nor Mariupol, nor any other and sincerely sympathize with them. And thirdly, state that in case any of Jews is noticed in Nazi crimes, we will be first to deal with it.
Ian: Thank god, there hasn’t been any problem with it lately.
Noginski: The more so because of one man who decided to become a billionaire, a multibillionaire or imagined himself to be an owner of Ukraine…
Ian: No, the matter is that the synagogues are… They should be standing apart from all these things. A synagogue is a place for meeting, it’s a prayer place. It should deal with inner life of Jews. That’s it. This is so to say what a synagogue is about. So, dealing with so to say politics, dealing with such things and backing up…
Noginski: I mean… You know, I’ve got such feeling that standing apart is not an option for us.
Ian: Come again.
Noginski: We can’t help standing apart. By the way, I asked Oleg not to make it public. His first thought was to make it public.
Ian: No. By doing this he will definitely bring reproach on Jews right away.
Noginski: You don’t say so! It will start a huge wave of tension. The more so, it will start all over the world.

The Odessa Massacre Was a CAREFULLY STAGED COVERT Intelligence Operation
Jewish Oligarch Behind Ukrainian Massacres and Contract Killings
Powerplay and cover-up: Kiev protégé allegedly behind Mariupol and Odessa massacres leaked tapes reveal
Ukrainian oligarch puts $1 million bounty on opponent’s head – audio recording

  • Publicerad:
    2014-05-16 14:52