Veckans fråga: Vilken av dessa regeringsperioder har varit värst för Sverige?
2024-09-09 23:05
SYRIEN. Under en internationell terrorkonferens tog Gordon Duff, som bland annat är krigsveteran och diplomat, bladet från munnen och pekade ut USA och Israel som kriminella, och särskilt juden Sheldon Adelson.
Det var under International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism i Syriens huvudstad Damaskus som Gordon Duff tog till orda.
Duff är känd i ett flertal länder som han bland annat brukar synas på TV i och är förutom diplomat och krigsveteran även en ansedd säkerhetsspecialist med fokus på underrättelsearbete.
I talet går Duff till angrepp mot USA och Israel som han menar styrs som en kriminell organisation. Speciellt pekar han ut den judiske mångmiljardären Sheldon Adelson och menar att denne ”köpt” den amerikanska kongressen. John McCain å sin sida pekas ut som ”IS fader”.
Se talet nedan:
Nedan finns även en transkribering av det Duff sa:
Gordon Duff: Too many people have died for people to continue speaking in terms that are unclear and just not speaking the truth.
It’s time we simply said what we know, whether it’s classified information or not.
All of you have seen the results of what we’re saying.What we’re saying will fit what has happened here and what facts you’ve been able to bring out…
Our hypothesis is based on solid information, solid research on the ground, using human signals intelligence from our extensive capabilities.
We don’t guess.
We know what we’re talking about here.
Their motivation is largely economic.
They’re a criminal organization but they are part of a worldwide criminal organization.
And they’re here in your territory, taking your things – your factories, your lives, your people – for the enrichment of a specific group of people who need to be held to account.
It’s almost as though it’s a police problem.
This is crime.
This terrorism you’re suffering is worldwide crime on a scale we have never seen before.
There has never been anything like this.Gordon Duff: I appreciate your statements and I recognize the truth and honesty of what you were saying but I do believe there are areas of misunderstanding how the United States works politically.
And this is a problem, a tremendous problem in the Middle East and one of the things that’s driven us here is it’s very difficult to understand what has happened as far as Israeli control of American politics and I will, as succinctly as possible, I will explain this to you.
Gordon Duff: In 2005, the Supreme Court of the United States had a decision on a case called Citizens United.
The decision of the Supreme Court legalized unlimited corporate bribery.This turned control of the Congress of the United States over to human traffickers, narcotics traffickers and in particular, the most powerful individual in the United States today is a gambling boss named Sheldon Adelson, an Israeli citizen who fled the US living in Macau.
He spent over one billion dollars in the last election and bought control of both Houses of Congress.
Now Senator John McCain, the father of al Nusra, the father of ISIS, will be running US legislative and military foreign policy.
Gordon Duff: American generals like General McInerny and General Paul Vallely, specialists in psychological warfare, helped organize Daish.
They have traveled in and out of your country here, Syria, over and over, as had Senator John McCain.
Meeting with al Qaeda – an organization created by the American, Saudi and Israeli Defense Forces and Intelligence Services.
Gordon Duff: Only a week ago, the US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, resigned.
Chuck Hagel was the individual that stopped the United States from bombing Syria over the false flag gas attacks near Aleppo.
Gordon Duff: It was our organization here that supplied the intelligence that stopped those attacks.
Gordon Duff: It’s our goal here, while we are here, to try to establish a method of communication that will allow Syria and other nations within the area to understand Israel’s control of the US, the control of the US by organized crime and how the US government is subservient to a worldwide criminal organization.